Saturday, June 7, 2014

Day 22 - Chambersburg, Pennsylvania to Camp Dawson, West Virginia

We left Chambersburg in southern Pennsylvania and headed south through a small corridor in Maryland and further into another small corridor of West Virginia until we reached Virginia again and drove further south to Shenandoah National Park. Shenandoah - daughter of the stars - a mountain range of more than 100 miles from north to south with a skyline drive all the way on top of the range, has breathtaking views towards the west as well as towards the eastern side. Luckily all along the road a railing of stones which made it very comfortable to drive and enjoy the views.
From Shenandoah we went west back into Virginia and drove minor roads - again. Roads as narrow as can be. One comment from my "driver" - "this seems to be as rural West Virginia as it can get".
Before we came to our final destination for today, Camp Dawson, we visited Black Falls State Park, just about 50 miles south of the Camp with a beautiful waterfall. I had to hike down 246 steps to get to the bottom of the falls. Good that the hike was down first and up later, don't know if I had done it otherwise. I need more exercise - smile.
Welcome to Virginia

Breathtaking views from Skyline drive into the Vaelley - West...

... West

... and East

... and another one East

Then back to West Virginia

Black Falls State Park

1 comment:

  1. Those falls are so pristine! And the views from that crest are beautiful. Don't forget to test some of these heights and canyons for good echoes! ~dj


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