Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Day 26 - Wichita, Kansas to Aurora (Denver) Colorado

We left Wichita in bright sunshine, not a single cloud on the sky, well for tonight they have the forecast of a flash flood in this area - weather seems to move fast in Kansas.
On our way west we realized these beautiful rolling hills and found a little state park with rocks looking like mushrooms. At the park a lady told me that she just saw a snake on the road in the direction we were going. We didn't see the snake, but we saw a turtle "tanning" on the road. Several cars passed by without hurting it. We stopped and put it back to the field, away from the road. Hope it got the message that the road is a dangerous place for turtles.
When we came to Colorado the sky darkened all of a sudden, my weather app showed a severe weather warning with lightning. It took us about 30 miles to get through this, lightnings all around us.
Rolling Hills in eastern Kansas

Mushroom Rock at Mushroom Rock State Park

Walkway into the Park

Turtle in the middle of the road

Back into Colorado


  1. Eine beeindruckende Reise - laute Plätze, an denen man länger bleiben möchte. Beim "Staaten zählen" bin ich durcheinander geraten, du wirst sicher am Schluss mitteilen, wie viel es waren! GG

  2. Es sollte heißen: Lauter Plätze... nicht "laute" ....GG

  3. Danke Gabi, es ist wirklich eine tolle Tour. Bis jetzt sind es 26 plus D.C. Danke fuer die Idee, ich werde wohl am Ende der Reise eine kurze Zusammenfassung schreiben.

  4. Are there a lot of Mushroom Rocks at that park, or just the one in the photograph? That is very odd looking. ~dj

    1. dj, there were more than this one, but there were snakes as well, I just photographed the first one I saw and went back to the car as fast as I could - smile


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