Saturday, June 14, 2014

Day 29 - Albuquerque, New Mexico to Las Vegas, Nevada

We had to leave this beautiful State of New Mexico - we just love Albuquerque - and drove west on I 40 through Arizona. As soon as we crossed the state line these wonderful white puffy clouds were gone. It seems that New Mexico captured them and doesn't let them out to any other state. Off the Interstate near Flagstaff we discovered a beautiful place, Walnut Canyon, where the native Americans lived in houses built into the cliffs of the canyon. 
Later the afternoon we arrived in Nevada and drove around Lake Mead to Nellis on the northern side of Las Vegas.
Welcome to Arizona

And there was a second sign to welcome us

A tree in Walnut Canyon

Houses built into the cliffs of the canyon

Into Nevada at Hoover Dam

Lake Mead with as little water as we have ever seen it

1 comment:

  1. The houses built into the cliffs is so intriguing. It looks like the one you photographed even has a mother-in-law unit! ~dj


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