Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Day 25 - Scott, Illinois to Wichita, Kansas

Our day started going from Scott, Illinois across the state line to St. Louis across the Mississippi River. We saw the Busch Stadium and The Arch of St. Louis and crossed the Mississippi several times to find a spot to shoot this monument; finally got the best view from East St. Louis on the Illinois side of the river. We drove north along the river to see the place where both rivers Missouri and Mississippi merge to follow their route further south together. Heavy clouds joined us for most of our trip today through Missouri and part of Kansas. After a long day of driving we arrived in Wichita.
One thing I learned today, both cities, St. Louis as well as Kansas City are located right on the state line with parts of the city on either side. St. Louis is partly located in Illinois and partly in Missouri, and Kansas City is partly in Kansas and partly in Missouri. So often have I looked at maps but never realized this.

Across the Mississippi River towards downtown St. Louis

We drove by the Busch Stadium, home of the Cardinals

The Arch from one of the bridges

... and from East St. Louis in Illinois

Missouri coming in from the left, Mississippi from the right in this image

Then into Kansas at Kansas City


  1. My sister went to Law School in St Louis when she lived in Illinois. When I visited her there, we went up into the St Louis arch. It is a stunning monument, hands down my favorite. I have a picture of me and my niece peering through a little window down onto the world from the height of the arch. Note to self: Find that picture.

  2. Replies
    1. I didn't know about this arch until we got to St Louis, it's impressive


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