Saturday, May 17, 2014

Day 1 - California to Nevada

Crossing the Sierra via Hwy 4 - a very narrow winding road, no dividing line. We are back on our favorite way of travelling. Scary steep canyons along the road - who needs railings when the canyon drops several hundred feet right next to the road. Downhill grade 24 degrees.
We passed Lake Alpine, Lake Mosquito, Ebbetts Pass 8730 ft, Grade Pass 8050 ft and Monitor Pass 8300 ft. Finally crossed the Stateline to Nevada.
 Beautiful wildflowers at Ebbetts Pass
 A bench with a great view across the Sierra
 One of the lakes along route
Finally Stateline to Nevada


  1. You don't want to blink when driving on a narrow road next to a steep incline like that, right? But you have to worry the whole time about whether the guy in the car coming around the bend is being as careful. Glad you made it. : ) Those are beautiful scenes.

  2. Dj You got it exactly right, I was afraid of that the whole trip, besides they are racing and on top of that motorbikes are passing wity high speed


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