Friday, May 30, 2014

Day 14 - Fort Drum, New York to Keene, New Hampshire

From Fort Drum near Watertown we drove through the Adirondeck Mountains - the name of these mountains is a total tongue breaker for me - don't think I can ever put the emphasis on the right syllables. A lovely mountain landscape with lakes and rivers and trees - in total about a four hour drive through to the eastern side of New York State. We entered Vermont south of Champlain Lake at Hydeville. We drove through Vermont from the western to the eastern side and all I saw was green, even the license plates of the cars. And it rained, it poured all the way from the west to the east. It surely is a GREEN state.
A lake in the Adirondeck Mountains

Welcome to the GREEN and RAINY state

A flag in the rain

An a Mill - also in the rain


  1. Being surrounded by such beautiful green countryside year round must be so relaxing. I wonder what someone from New Hampshire thinks of Sonoma County during the dry summer when all of the hills are brown? To me, it's still beautiful, but I wonder for someone from such a green state if it would seem an eyesore. ~dj

  2. dj, I guess they probably would think that they are in the desert, even more though, when they come to the Central Valley.


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