Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Day 12 - Birch Run, Michigan to Niagara, New York

We left Birch Run as we arrived, in heavy rain, then going East towards Ontario. We crossed the border to Canada at Port Huron and drove along the River Thames and drove through London. It's funny, it felt like being in England. Further East we saw Lake Ontario in the North and had Lake Erie in the South. The first hundred miles we saw at least one golf course per exit, then towards the East of Ontario we saw less golf courses, but now we had at least one winery per exit. We reached the border at Niagara and saw the Falls from the Canadian side before we crossed the border to New York.
The Falls near Rainbow Bridge

And the Falls south of Rainbow Bridge

And than - back to the US 


  1. Do the Niagara Falls slow up at certain times of the year like the falls in Yosemite? Or do they boom as in your pictures all year round? It must have sounded SO loud! ~dj

  2. dj, I don't think that the water flow changes, considering that the water comes from Lake Ontario and flows through this narrow passage towards Lake Erie. It sure is an amazing view, I wish I had had some evening sun when I took the images, and today it doesn't look better looking at the sky, which is totally covered.

  3. I'm glad to see that you made it to Niagara Falls! Suzy

  4. Thank you Suzy, unfortunately the weather didn't like us there, but it was a great view anyway


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