Monday, May 19, 2014

Day 3 - Salt Lake City, Utah to Winter Park, Colorado

We left Salt Lake going east. The change of scenery was amazing. Our drive started on Hwy 40 going through enormous snow covered mountains followed by red Utah desert landscapes. Farther east we entered Colorado at Dinosaur National Monument. From there we drove through wintergreen Colorado plateaus and suddenly a change of scenery when we were driving along beautiful Yumba River. Finally we reached the snowy mountain peaks of Colorado, the highest pass we drove was Rabbit Ear Pass with 9426 feet at the Continental Divide. Before we reached our destination for today we drove through Colorado River Canyon, pretty much at the beginning of the river. Final destination for today is Winter Park, south of Rocky Mountain National Park - this Park is our goal for tomorrow.
 Snowy mountains in East Utah

 Entering Colorado at Dinosaur National Monument

 Beautiful Yumba River

Driving through snowy landscape at the Continental Divide


  1. Pictures look great.I shot a 98 yesterday. Today I'm going to finish 16,17 &18. B

  2. B, How funny, but you'll have a great score when you play the 3 holes

  3. wow. I especially like the first picture in which the green grass and the blue sky frame those decorator clouds! ~dj


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