Saturday, May 31, 2014

Day 15 - Keene, New Hampshire via Kittery, Maine to Hanscom, Massachussetts

New Hampshire, another one of these green States, just this one didn't have rain - at least today. We started with a cloudy sky which turned bright and blue the further east we went. We drove through Concord and moved over to Maine near Dover, NH. Once in Maine we followed Piscataqua River south to Kittery Point and from there we went back into New Hampshire, following the coastline. While trying to find the Atlantic we felt that we were driving in circles trying to get to this ocean - and then we were there. We finally made it all across the Country from the Pacific to the Atlantic.
One of these beautiful New Hampshire houses

Canadian Goose in New Hampshire
We couldn't find a welcome sign, thought the liscense plate will do

Street in a Kittery Point, Maine

Atlantic Ocean at Rye Beach, New Hampshire

View to the other side at Rye Beach, New Hampshire

Massachussetts - moving South


  1. I'm happy for you that you have made all the way across the U.S. Try to send some of that rain to California! Suzy

    1. We need some big pipes from east to west


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